If you haven’t heard already, prioritising self-care is the way to improve your life. Self-care can take many forms, from a new mattress or pillow set to face masks and pizza nights to ‘treat yourself’. It means investing in your overall quality of life and building (and maintaining) positive, wellness-based habits.
The Charaka Samhita, a foundational yogic text, states, “Happiness, misery, nourishment, emaciation, strength, weakness, virility, sterility, knowledge, ignorance, life and death — all these occur depending on proper or improper sleep.”
Wellness is the bedrock of our lives, and sleep may be the bedrock of wellness. Obviously, there are many factors that go into a comprehensive wellness plan but, unfortunately, the first one we tend to ‘cheat’ is our sleep routine. Here’s how you can start prioritising your sleep quality, in an easy, and manageable way.