Article at a Glance:
- Step-By-Step Approach on How to Fold Fitted Sheets
- A Second Technique On How To Fold A Fitted Sheet Set
- Simple Fitted Sheet Folding Hack
- How To Fold A Fitted Sheet With This Old School Technique
Fitted Sheets - the sheets that have elastic corners, are one of the most difficult items to fold. Most of us have the tendency to simply bunch the sheet up in a huge ball and leave it scrunched up in the closet. But if you think that this is going to save you time and effort, you might have more problems in the long run. Why bother folding this fabric? Here are a few reasons why:
- You can save more space in your bed linen closet
- Your linen will be free from wrinkles which means that it will be ready to use
- You can impress your roommates, your mother, and even your mother-in-law
- You will feel like you have conquered the world as this is one of the most difficult bed sheets to fold
- Your space will look more organized
Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? Now, how to fold fitted sheets?
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Step-By-Step Approach on How to Fold Fitted Sheets
Having wrinkled bed sheets can be frustrating especially when you need to change your bedding with a freshly laundered linen. A fitted bed sheet deserves proper folding, so that it will lay flat in your linen house and be ready to be spread on your bed with ease. If this is what you’ve been dreaming of, then follow these steps on how to fold fitted sheets.
How To fold a fitted sheet - Step 1
Stand up while you hold the sheet by its two adjacent corners on one of its shorter edges. While the sheet is inside out, place one hand in each of the two corners of your fitted sheet.
How To fold a fitted sheet - Step 2
Bring your right hand towards your left hand to fold the corner that is in your right hand over your left to envelope it. Now reach down to grab the corner that is left hanging at the front to bring it up and fold over the two corners held in your left hand. The corner that appears should be inside out as well.
How To fold a fitted sheet - Step 3
The last corner of the fitted sheet should be brought up and folded over the other corners with the right side showing. You will be able to envelope all the three corners at this point.
How To fold a fitted sheet - Step 4
Fold the edges to hide the elastic.
How To fold a fitted sheet - Step 6
Now fold the sheet into a rectangular shape and continue to fold until you reach your preferred size. Store it in your closet for later use.

A Second Technique On How To Fold A Fitted Sheet Set
If this step doesn’t work well with you, here’s another step by step guide to try. People have been trying to figure out how to fold their fitted sheets properly, so there are many techniques to try.
Step 1 - Lay your sheet out
This is one of the most important steps to consider when trying to fold fitted sheets. You will need to lay your sheet on a flat surface to identify the crinkled edges. Keep in mind that there are 4 seams in a fitted sheet, one for each corner. These are the ones that will help make the step fold technique easier to do.
Step 2 - Place bottom corners on top corners
Hold the 2 corners at the bottom and bring them over the top corners until the seams align. You can do this lengthwise if you like, whichever you prefer.
Step 3 - Fold your fitted sheet into a long rectangle
The last corner of the fitted sheet should be brought up and folded over the other corners with the right side showing. You will be able to envelope all the three corners at this point.
Step 4 - Fold inwards to get the final result
Now that you are in the final stage of the folding, fold the left third of the rectangle into the middle, then the right third to the middle. Again, you will have to pat each fold straight to remove wrinkles. Now you can tuck this smooth sheet in your closet for later use.

Simple Fitted Sheet Folding Hack
Now that you have learned two new techniques on folding fitted sheets, are there other steps to try? Well, here’s another folding hack that you can try too.
Fitted Sheet Folding Hack - Step 1
Place hands inside adjacent corners, invert them, then pull them to an arm’s length apart.
Fitted Sheet Folding Hack - Step 2
Bring your right hand to your left then fold the right corner over the one that you are holding in your left hand.
Fitted Sheet Folding Hack - Step 3
You can switch hands to make the folding easy at this point. Position your right hand inside the two corners that have been folded into each other while your left hand slides to find the third corner of the sheet.
Fitted Sheet Folding Hack - Step 4
Once you find the third corner, repeat the first two steps where you will fold the right hand corner towards the left.
Fitted Sheet Folding Hack - Step 5
Afterward, lay the folded sheet on a flat surface with the elastic band facing upwards. This should create a nice curve with all the folding that you have done. Now fold the sheet into a rectangle. And you’re done! Just like with the first two techniques above, it is important that you smooth the sides every time you fold the sheet. Don’t roll the sheet afterward even if you want to create more space in your closet.

How To Fold A Fitted Sheet - Old School Technique
Isn’t it amazing that there are this many different techniques to use when it comes to folding fitted sheets? You may think that folding sheets can only be done by people like Martha Stewart, but the truth is, anyone can do it! It is understandable that you wish to shove your sheet in your closet and be done with it, but this will only leave you with more work when it comes to covering your mattress. With patience and practice, you will be able to keep your shelves tidy, with your sheets tucked properly, as long as you find the proper way of folding your fitted sheet. If you want an easier way to fold your sheets, towels, and the like, here is another guide to consider:
How To Fold A Fitted Sheet Old School Technique - Step 1
Always start with a flat surface. This can be your bed or on the floor. Lay your sheet on it then hold one edge to be tucked into the opposite edge or corner. It doesn’t matter whether you will be folding horizontally or vertically even, as long as you are not doing it diagonally, you’ll be fine. Also, make sure that the seams are properly lined up as well. Tuck the edges, then smooth it out. It’s really that simple.
How To Fold A Fitted Sheet Old School Technique - Step 2
Now that you are done with the edges, you can feel more confident as the hard part is already done. Keep smoothing the edges and corners as much as possible. If your sheet doesn’t want to lay flat, don’t worry. The bumps that are causing you to panic will flatten afterwards.
How To Fold A Fitted Sheet Old School Technique - Step 3
You now have a rectangular sheet to work with, which means that it will be easier to fold. Fold the sheet in half so that the elastic edges will be hidden. Smooth the corners out once more then do another fold. Continue doing so until you end up with a nice bundle. You may not get this right the first time, but don’t will get the hang of it soon enough!
How To Fold A Fitted Sheet Old School Technique - Step 4
PRO TIP: If you are still getting the hang of folding your sheets, you can fold it in anyway you want then put them inside a pillow case. This will prevent your sheet from occupying more space, plus your closet will still look organized. However, you will still have to deal with the wrinkles afterwards because you just bunched up the sheet. If you are pressed for time, this will do for now. Who would have thought that folding fitted sheets could be so daunting? But since fitted sheets are useful in helping to protect your mattress, you will need to show them some love and care too, especially after laundry and giving it a run in the dryer. The smell of fresh linen (that is also wrinkle-free) on your mattress can even help you sleep better at night too! Just imagine how you would feel when you get your fitted sheet from the closet and it looks wrinkled. What a nightmare! Fortunately, the nightmare of having to fold fitted sheets properly is now gone because you have three techniques to try. Although you may not get them on the first try, practice makes perfect. Just remember that with each fold that you do, you will need to smooth it out to create crisp lines. The elastic bands are tricky to fold, sure, but once you follow the steps mentioned above, you will be able to tuck them in nicely in your closet. You will be proud of your folding prowess once you see how beautiful your sheet is afterward. Now you are ready to conquer your linens!
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